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Friday, August 28, 2009

Cuts artery plaque by an incredible 50%...

Wins Nobel Prize, Then Gets Buried!
Cuts artery plaque by an incredible 50%...
Drops high blood pressure as much as 60 points...

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Louis Ignarro made a special appearance on the Hugh Downs broadcast to reveal the covered-up truth about this astonishing breakthrough. He's discovered a "miracle molecule" that could make bypass surgery, angioplasty and blood pressure drugs obsolete.
Already, doctors are saying this natural discovery can expand narrow blood vessels, eliminate dangerous clots, lower high blood pressure as much as 60 points, reduce artery-clogging plaque by an amazing 50%...
And this is not unproven hokum. It won Dr. Ignarro the Nobel Prize!
No doubt you're wondering, "I don't get it. He won the Nobel Prize. Why haven't I heard about it?" I'm afraid the reason is that this amazing discovery has been...
Killed by big-money medicine, because it's too cheap!
As you'll see on page 485 of your FREE-Preview volume, all you need to unleash Dr. Ignarro's molecule are a couple of safe, natural supplements. Isn't that outrageous? This secret won the NOBEL PRIZE, for heaven's sake! It could be saving millions of lives every year—at absurdly low cost—and nobody even knows it exists!
This new secret alone was worth stopping our presses and expanding The World's Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets. But as you'll see as you read on, this is just the tip of the iceberg. So don't delay. Learn how to use this breakthrough and 2,618 more lifesaving secrets for FREE...
Right now, make yourself 10 times less likely to die of a
Incredibly, this all-star medical team reports you can make yourself more than 10 times less likely to die of one. And believe it or not, the secret isn't diet, workouts or supplements. According to the latest research...

Weight control Snack Defense Video